*This post was migrated from our old site and lost all of the images. =^.^=
Twins, Turkey and June, at the Upper East Side ASPCA (SO CUTE!) *insert heart eyes here*
Created as a parody of Humans of New York (HONY), Felines of New York provides a glimpse into the lives of New York's feline inhabitants. The projects-- which mimics HONY's-- in both creativity and seriousness is an amazing way to give New York's toughest kitties a voice.
And just when you thought it couldn't get any better: it does!
They've created a book to showcase a-meow-zing stories like June and Turkey's (pictured above). It's purrrrrfect!
Do you think a project like this should come to Seattle?
It would be the purrrrfect book to read while petting kitties and sipping coffee at NEKO.
Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!
PC: Felines of New York