*This post was migrated from our old site and lost all of the images. =^.^=
It’s that time of year where the smell of rainfall fills the Seattle air, pumpkins adorn almost every doorstep, and you’re facebook feed is jam packed with costume pics. For some, this may or may not include your trusted sidekick: your cat.
In honor of Halloween, better yet “Cat-O-Ween,” we at NEKO Cat Café thought it would be fun to showcase some of the cutest, most creative and/or cat-friendly costumes.
1.) Sushi Cat
2.) Batman (better yet, "Catman") and Robin
3.) Pizza Cat
4.) Sailor Cat
5.) Avocato
6.) Lion
7.) Cat Shark
8.) Taco Cat
PC: Daily Dot, Business2Community, PurrfectCatBreeds, BestProducts, Pinterest